Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An Intro of sorts

After some gentle arm twisting, I decided I better hop on over here and at least introduce myself.

I had been out of nursing school for a couple of years when it was suggested to me to consider applying for a physician's assistant (PA-C) program. My research to figure out how to finance the program somehow lead me to sitting in a Coast Guard recruiters office in Atlanta, Georgia. My husband came along with me and patiently listened while I chatted it up with the recruiter. After nearly a month of discussions about what our expectations were for our future (children, finances, goals), my husband enlisted in the Coast Guard the same week I took a fantastic position at one of my favorite hospitals. And that's how we made life work. He got orders for us to move places and I got great jobs with my amazing resume. Everytime he traveled for a class, I traveled for a seminar. He moved up in rank, decreasing the little number that proceeds his name, and I moved up in seniority, adding more alphabet soup behind my name.

A few years later, and a house full of kids - that alphabet soup became less and less important to me. Making my home a loving and stable place for the kids is my number one job now. I don't work full time outside of the house right now. I am completing the remaining classes for a Bachelors degree, and applying for a Family Nurse Practitioner program, which I will graduate in 2010. I homeschool our kindergartener, cook with our preschooler and potty train our toddler. I cut coupons and buy things on sale. I share hand-me-down clothes that have circled the island from another family that hasn't lived here in about 3 years. I love to run and I love to read and I love, love, love to sit in my tub. I love to write about everything...I have a homeschool/family blog, a recipe blog and now here.

Pretty much, I'm your average 32-year-old minivan driving mom of 3. And yes, add us to the list of families that are moving this summer.


Just a Girl in a Port said...

She has arrived. It's great to have you here finally. Great intro!

Amber said...

Yay, yay, yay!!!!

However, I must respectfully disagree with the "average" claim. ;)

Lainy said...

I'm so glad you're here. Welcome and you have a beautiful story.

C Anderson said...

From sitting in her tub to blogging more and more, welcome!

Who I Am said...

I'm so glad you are here. You are such an amazing person and an inspiration...anything but average, my dear.

Flo said...

Agreed with the above "anything but average" comment, dear. You are spectacular and I'm glad you've joined us :)

Mary said...

Awww, shucks, you all are too much. I'm glad to finally have the time to be here. :)

JulieAnn said...

Yay! Another voice :)
I'll be reading!