Monday, June 8, 2009

New Crew Members

As my man in blue returned from his last patrol, he recounted the many personnel who rotated in the past few weeks. Transfer season is upon us, and combined with the newbies fresh outta boot camp, Kodiak is a-flush with new Coasties: boat, air, and support crew alike.

One particular story has been repeated a couple of times. A new member of his crew joined at a young age and wanted to come to Alaska. His report date gave him the short end of the stick, as he was immediately assigned as mess cook. Noticing his desire to learn and experience just about everything on the boat, he was trained for tie down crew, which secure helicopters that land on the ship's platform. As he ran drills and when seen in action, the look on his face was "like Christmas morn."

To see that glee, that resounding desire to pitch in, and at such a youthful age, encouraged not only my beloved but other crew members. We hope this enthusiasm continues to spread. Safe travels and good luck to all those transferring.

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