Friday, December 9, 2011

Onward and Upward - Lots of news about CGFO!

Coast Guard Family Organization, Inc.

continues to do great things for you and your family!

BLOG - We are relaunching our blog, right here, in January 2012. We are so excited to share relevant and related stories with you.

HOLIDAY PROJECT - Right now, we are busy, busy, busy with helping Operation Homefront distribute some toys this holiday season to Coastie and other military kids.

COMING SOON - Roundtable discussions where YOU talk and we listen and report to the powers-that-be!

SCHOLARSHIP - Our spouse scholarship application period will be open December 31, 2011.And, last, but not at all least.

This is an organization by Coast Guard spouses for Coast Guard families. We are a volunteer led nonprofit group, honored to serve you ad your families with the support of Coast Guard Community Relations behind us.

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