Monday, June 2, 2008


I think it's kind of funny that in life, and especially this life, it's hard to live in the moment.  Instead, we live waiting for the next bigger, better thing.  I can remember being a kid and saying that I was "seven-and-a-half" because I couldn't WAIT to be the next age.

We just transferred in March, and all ready I'm getting the whole, "where do we go next" mindset.  This is a short tour - only 2 years, so maybe that's part of it.  I think the other part has something to do with the stifling heat and humidity.  

My husband said something a few days ago that made me gasp.  "You know, I could get out in __ years."  

WHAT?!  Are you kidding me?

That little hypothetical statement nearly brought me to tears!  I tried not to panic, and calmly explained to him that we could talk and pray about it when the time comes.  Internally, I was screaming "what in the world would we do?!!?"

I really look forward to the x until y things.  Only x number of weeks until the boat comes in.  Only x until we get picks.  Only x until we hear where we're going.  Only x until the movers come.

As it stands now, we have something like 26 months left here.  But who's counting?  


Just a Girl in a Port said...

Oh, yikes the dreaded "maybe I'll get out" conversation!

The FlyingFish said...

You mean there is something BESIDES this?!?!? ACK!

I mean, seriously - downs (ok, and ups) aside, this is a pretty good life... what else could there possibly be??

(remind me I said this next week when he's gone....)