I just received this email and wanted to share:
First Book and the United States Coast Guard thank you for taking the time to participate in the Summer Reading Handshake Tour 2008. The tour generated over 57,000 handshakes of salute through on-line visitors as well as visitors to the Tall Ship Eagle who shook hands with a members of the Coast Guard. The Tour celebrated the importance of books and reading at special parties aboard the USCG Tall Ship Eagle as it sailed to West Coast ports of call.
Wonderful Scholastic books were given to children in need at each stop to ensure that the magic of reading lives long beyond the events.
Throughout the Tour, people shared heartfelt comments – that warmed our hearts and inspire us to reach even further in our efforts:
"Opening a book is the first step in an amazing journey! I am happy to reach out and help give a child their first book."
"How wonderful that you provide the resources that you do; both for our country and children in need!"
The USCG has been heroic in their support of First Book. USCG personnel and families support First Book by volunteering on Advisory Boards, hosting book and reading parties for children, and storing and distributing books from U.S. Coast Guard warehouse facilities nationwide. In fact, since First Book was named Signature Charity for the U.S. Coast Guard in 2000, we have distributed over 15 million books together. But there are millions of children still waiting for our help. We hope you’ll continue to support First Book in our mission to place books in the hands of children who need them most.
We thank you for joining our salute to the men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard, and for helping more children receive the books they need to become readers for life.
With thanks and hope for your continued support,
Best wishes,
Kyle Zimmer, President of First Book
Isn't that great?
< happy dance >
That's awesome, absolutely awesome!
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