Recently, one of the fellow boat wives put out an all points bulletin:
I am struggling, so I'm sure I can assume some others are too. Let's get together and help each other through this!
As I turned off the car, I could hear the wives' chatter in the building in front of me. Our hostess greeted me at the door and let me know the coffee would be ready in just a moment. I made my way in, hugging those I knew and had already met, and extending my hand to greet a new face. The dining table was lined with amazing treats and surrounded by smiling faces.
The conversation ebbed and flowed as the topics changed from kids to jobs to the submission of the new dream sheets for next transfer season. Some smaller kids ran around- darting in and out of bedrooms with various toys. None of us really brooched the topic that has been eating at each of us: the patrol that never seems to end has barely hit its half way mark. For months now we have run our households alone; some of us have raised kids and gotten them accustomed to new schools; some of us have updated resumes and continue the job search; and some of us left the island entirely-- for the the majority of the patrol.
Despite the fact that none of us spoke of how our hearts ache for the next port call, when our better halves can call us--
Despite the fact that none of us admitted to piling pillows on his side of the bed to ease the cold void over there--
Despite the fact that none of us spoke about the difficulties we endure each day--
Those few hours with each other provided us with that safe haven, that inner circle on which we have come to rely. Here's hoping for another all points bulletin in the near future.
The relationships with fellow wives that often evolve from deployments can be that lifering which holds you afloat. Even if you have nothing in common and even if you are relatively okay, it's the others who are in your shoes that can make you feel less alone.
Aw, this is a sweet post. I'm glad everyone was able to come over yesterday, too! I had fun, and maybe you weren't here yet, but I definitely made mention of the fact that it feels like this is the never-ending patrol. :P
I really feel fortunate to be stationed on a ship with such a great group of spouses. It means so much to me to be able to rely on the camaraderie of other women who are going through the EXACT same things I am. :) I hope we can do it again soon!
It's definitely one hell of a patrol, and I'm glad you have the other families to commiserate with. Lots of love and hugs to you and all of your fellow sea wives.
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